The Academic and Examination Board is an appointed committee that is set up to provide strategic leadership, academic guidelines and partnership. It is the principal academic body within the institution which is responsible for approving academic proposals and for providing advice on academic policy, academic strategy and academic standards. Its purpose is to provide advice on academic policy; approve courses and programs; further and co-ordinate the work of the Faculties and other academic units; and support teaching, scholarship and research. Singapore SPA Institute’s Academic and Examination Board comprise of the following 3 members:
Chiang Yian Pheng (Yvette Chiang)
Singapore SPA Institute Pte Ltd
Anderson Tan
Director, Corporate
Singapore SPA Institute Pte Ltd
Anfernee Tan
Manager, Quality Assurance
Singapore SPA Institute Pte Ltd
The Academic Board of a private education institution shall have the following responsibilities:
- to develop and review the policies and procedures on all academic matters of the private education institution, including but not limited to academic quality assurance measures; and
- to facilitate the implementation of and compliance with such policies and procedures.
The Examination Board of a private education institution shall have the responsibility to develop examination and assessment procedures for the private education institution, including but not limited to:
- the security of examination scripts and answer scripts;
- the conduct of examinations and assessments;
- the duties and responsibilities of invigilators and markers;
- the moderation of examination and assessment marks; and
- the handling of appeals from students with regard to examination or assessment matters.